Application - All persons interested in coaching for the upcoming season must complete the 2023-24 Coaches Application on the web site. The first step of the application process is securing a current USA Hockey number and verifying what requirements the applicant will need to complete to be able to coach for the upcoming season. This is solely the applicant’s responsibility and not that of the CCHA Registrar or any CCHA Board member or key volunteer.
Qualifications – Applicants will be evaluated by the HDCs and ranked by level. Some of the guiding principles and ranking criteria that may be used by the HDCs are as follows:
Guiding Principles
Note: The CCHA will do its best to secure non-parent coaches for at least the top-level teams (“AA” or “A”) at the Peewee, Bantam and 15U and 12U levels where qualified candidates exist and apply. The CCHA may or may not do the same at Squirt and 10U depending on the circumstances.
Notification Process – Head coaches for teams will be selected promptly after tryouts. Once head coaches are secured, they are provided with the names of the highest ranked parent applicants for players that have made the head coach’s team. Head coaches will be able to select up to three (3) assistant coaches to be rostered on their team. Coaches applying at multiple levels will not be allowed to wait for other tryout levels to be completed before accepting an offer.
For the 2023-24 season, all head and assistant coaches must have completed their SafeSport training (new or refresher course, if available), all age-specific modules for the levels they are coaching, have a current background check on file and have turned in to the CCHA registrar ( the required concussion certification form required by USA Hockey BEFORE getting on the ice for the first team activity. Having a current CEP certification can still be completed as late as December 31st.
Any failure to follow the required steps or meet CCHA requirements will subject the applicant/coach to discipline including removal from an assigned coaching position and an inability to coach in subsequent seasons
Coaches applying at multiple levels will not be allowed to wait for other tryout levels to be completed before accepting an offer.
Example: If the Bantam B1 position is offered, the coach cannot wait until Squirt tryouts are completed to decide on which level he would prefer coaching at.