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Locker Room Monitors

The presence of adults in the locker rooms is critical to maintaining a safe and positive environment for all players.

All locker room monitors MUST:

  1. Get a USA Hockey Number.
  2. Complete a Background Check
  3. Complete your SafeSport Training.
  4. Complete the Team Volunteer Registration.

The physical presence of an adult(s) is far more effective in deterring and stopping misbehavior, and also enables the adult(s) to visually monitor the behavior of the individual players and to intercede prior to an incident getting out of hand. Additionally, it affords the opportunity to ensure that players are not using their electronic devices inappropriately.

There must be one adult parent or guardian in the locker room for all practices and games while players are present (Matching gender attendant necessary).

This role cannot be filled solely by a coach; an adult parent or guardian must also be present.

All Locker Room Monitors should read the attached procedures.  This is a SafeSport-generated document that provides general guidance for the role of Locker Room Monitor.

Please note that CCHA requires the Locker Room Monitor must be the same gender as the players and must be physically present inside the locker room while all players are present.

At least one locker room monitor must be present for all games, practices &  scrimmages.

It is CCHA policy that coaches are not locker room monitors, due to the fact that as a coach they are responsible for carrying out other responsibilities that may require them to leave the locker room while players are still present.

CCHA is an entirely volunteer run association, so please, if you have an Upper-Level player, become a locker room monitor. As they say, "Many Hands Make Light Work"!

USA Hockey Background Screening

The CCHA Organization ID is: 35615801


  • Does my SafeSport training or Background Check from another sport fulfill the requirements to become a locker room monitor?
    • No, you must complete the USA Hockey SafeSport Training and USA Hockey Background Check.
      (They may be similar or even identical to other ones that you have completed in the past, but they still do not qualify and must be done through the USA Hockey portal so that all volunteer requirements can be verified by the registrar as well as USA Hockey.)
  • What if only one player is in the locker room?
    • If a single player is present, the locker room should be monitored by at least two adults until additional players arrive. If there is only one adult present, whether a coach or volunteer parent, they should wait for multiple players to arrive before allowing access to the locker room.
  • Why do we need locker room monitors if there are coaches?
    • Because coaches have additional responsibilities that may require them to exit the locker room from time-to-time, leaving the locker room unmonitored.
  • Do we need locker room monitors just for games?
    • Locker Room Monitors are required for all home & away games, practices, & scrimmages.
  • When my child is done in the locker room, can I leave?
    • If you are the assigned locker room monitor, you cannot leave until the last player has left the locker room.