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Parent Meeting

As an introduction to CCHA, we will be hosting a parent meeting to answer any questions about the program, our new mite structure, etc that you might have.  

Please note that at least one parent/guardian is expected to attend.

Lower Level (1 & 2): Wednesday, October 25 at 6:00 at Victoria Rec Center.

2023-2024 Rookie Mites

Hello and welcome to CCHA! We are so excited to see you and your players at the rink this winter! 

If you have any questions about our program, you can find some great information down below, in our parent presentation (recording found in the column to the right), and in our new to hockey section. We're happy to answer questions if you'd like to reach out. 

New Mite Structure for CCHA

Last season we implemented a new structure within our youth/boy's Mite program. There is no changes to Rookie Mites. The reason for making this change now is to better align skater skill and development not only within our own organization, but with the surrounding communities who utilize this structure. The number of teams per level will be determined once registration closes, but we are anticipating two Mite 4 teams, four Mite 3 teams, four to six Mite 2 teams, and four to six Mite 1 teams. There will be additional communication around the tryout process and level definitions posted soon, but wanted to communicate these changes with you before registration opens. 

The goals of the program are simple:

  • Create a fun competitive environment for all ages and skill levels
  • Progressive, age appropriate drills led by well trained coaches at all levels
  • Fundamental skating and puck handling development that is repeatable
  • Retention of players
  • Opportunity for all to play at each level

There will be no evaluations for Rookie Mites. Mite 1 will go through an evaluation process to ensure balanced teams. Final level placement for Mite Levels 2-4 will be determined by a tryout process. The defined parameters for grade at each level as follows:

  • Rookies – Pre-K-K
  • Mite 1 – K-1st
  • Mite 2-4 - 1st-3rd

We will also allow for tryout opt outs. If your player is a 1st grader and would like to opt out of tryouts they will automatically be placed in Mite 1. If your player is a 2nd or 3rd grader and would like to opt out of tryouts they will automatically be placed in Mite 2. Lastly, if your child is entering kindergarten and is brand new to hockey/first time skater, please register for Rookie Mites.


Shauna Brick

Lower Mite Commissioner

Welcome Mites!

Information to come soon. 

Matt Beckman

Upper Mite Commissioner